New | Parchment Covers from SCHILBACH

Conventional wooden coverings alter the vibrational behavior of the instrument meaning the musician must take a more labored approach to playing. In addition, the repaired area is no longer secured by the two-stage failure of the wooden cover, which when torn, can result in parasitic secondary noises. These considerations can be an enormous burden for musicians when relying on their instrument in concert situations.

Compared to wooden coverings, SCHILBACH's parchment covers hold a significantly higher maximum stress, which reliably prevents a renewed failure of the cracked part. The occupied crack can be estimated to be as stable as a non-damaged area.

The parchment covers from SCHILBACH are specially hand-worked to a thinness of between 0.05mm-0.12mm, making them several times lighter and thinner than traditional parchment covers. This prevents deformation of the belly, back, and ribs through excessive tensile forces. The parchment covers are roughened on one side to provide the ideal surface for restoration glue bonding. Parchment covers from SCHILBACH have also proven to be an excellent option to cover cracks on closed instruments.


Further details can be found in our research project, published in RESTAURO issue 2/2010.  The article on the ‘advantages of crack repair using parchment in restoration’ can also be found on our website, under ‘Press’.


"When restoring my already very good sounding instrument, initially, the priority was to remove a more recent lacquer covering to reveal the original lacquer as gently as possible. However, it soon became clear that on this occasion, all open crack should be repaired. Of course it was clear that on this occasion all open cracks should be repaired. The result of the restoration is simply sensational. The cello is much louder, is even more balanced, because the A-string has gained, speaks better and has more sound colors than before. I have never seen an instrument so improved in sound after repair."(Ulrich Fuchs)


Procedure and handling

SCHILBACH’s parchment covers are highly time-efficient and promote uncomplicated work

  1. Prepare the crack as before
  2. Glue must be applied immediately before application of the cover.  To glue the cover, apply warm, liquid restoration glue to the rough side of the parchment cover
  3. To apply the cover it is sufficient to lightly press the patch with the fingertip. Using a warm, damp paintbrush, remove excess glue and moisten the surface of the cover
  4. The contact between the wood and the cover occurs when the cover is dry and any liquid under the cover has evaporated. It is not necessary to use clamps, as is customary when using wooden crack covers


Technical characteristics

  • Available in 10mm for violin
  • Available in 12mm for cello
  • Available in ca. 14cm x 6cm for variabel use
  • Thickness: 0.05mm-0.12mm
  • One side roughened for optimal bonding of glue
  • Permits crack repair on closed instruments
  • No change in the appearance of the occupied surface
  • Very high strength
  • Very light, for maintaining a very good response
  • Very simple application
  • Removes disturbing background noise while playing
  • Transparent after drying
  • Parchment is a natural product, and so slight variations in color and structure may occur
  • SCHILBACH parchment covers are manufactured and hand tested in Germany
  • Thicknesses vary between 0.05mm-0.12mm in each sales unit
  • Made in Germany